This page is designed to assist advisors that are helping pre-law or prospective law students get into McGeorge. We hope that you find this page useful and we look forward to partnering with you.

类 & Workshops for Pre-法律 Students

In order to support your work as pre-law advisors, McGeorge offers free one-hour classes and workshops for pre-law students on their undergraduate campuses. Our 入学s Process Workshops give students an inside look at the law school admissions process. The 法律 School Prep 101 classes help students to understand how they can succeed in law school. And our Mock 类 — in subjects ranging from Contracts to International 法律 — give students a sample of what attending law school would be like. These sessions are taught by deans, Dean Valerie D. James, and McGeorge professors who are experts in their fields.

To schedule one or more of these sessions for your students, please contact Dean Valerie D. 詹姆斯在916.739.7105 or

General Information

2021-2022 LSAT Testing Dates

考试月 考试周
2021年8月 8月开始的一周. 14
2021年10月 10月开始的一周. 9
2021年11月 11月开始的一周. 13
2022年1月 一月开始的一周. 15
2022年2月 二月开始的一周. 12
2022年3月 Week Starting March 12
2022年4月 Week Starting April 30
2022年6月 Week Starting June 11

AccesLex LexScholars Program and LSAT Prep

LexScholars by AccessLexSM, is accepting applications for their LexScholars program and the accompanying LSAT prep course. The first 50 spaces have been filled, but free LSAT prep remains available for eligible students. 到6月1日, the next 200 eligible applicants to submit all required documents will receive a Kaplan online LSAT course.


Sometimes it helps to have a few extra tips in your back pocket. Here are some suggestions:

  1. Take some time to really understand what the law schools in your region offer and who their target applicants are. This should go beyond the LSAT score and cumulative GPA. Obtain your data from LSAC on where your students enrolled.
  2. Ensure you have basic financial aid information to help your students compare apples to apples not apples to grapes. Feel free to invite admissions and financial aid staff to present with you to give your students an overview of the process and the do’s and don’ts.
  3. Carve out time for letter of recommendation preparation. The letters that are a bit more personal are helpful. It is nice to see an advisor or professor really going to bat for their student.
  4. Attend the events hosted by LSAC and the law schools. There is often valuable advice offered during the events.
  5. Volunteer to present with the admissions professionals. It is a great way to network and ensure we are all working together to support our prospective law students.

更多的 Helpful Resources


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