欢迎来到博彩平台网址大全麦乔治法学院. 麦克乔治法学院 offers a diverse and engaged academic community for legal and policy studies. Students from all over the United States and all over the world — including our Canadian neighbors — come together in the law school classroom at McGeorge to engage in conversation informed by unique individual and collective cultural, 地理和国家经验. 的 rich nature of our community fosters a distinct academic and social experience on our campus for students, 教职员工都一样.

We encourage you to explore our website and learn more about our academic programs, 体验式学习机会, 以及在麦乔治大学的学生生活. 的 faculty and staff here at the law school are here to serve as a source of information and guidance for you. If you are considering legal and/or policy studies in the United States it is important to understand the 签证 process. When considering entering the United States on a student 签证, you will need to follow many steps. 在这个过程中,理解、时机和细节都很重要. 来帮助你完成这个过程, below is a guide for Canadian students who intend to study in the United States.

For questions regarding admissions contact the JD 入学s Office at mcgeorge@promisesurfing.net or 916.739.7105. 有关签证处理的任何问题请联系毕业生 & 国际项目办公室 graduatelaw@promisesurfing.net or 916.739.7019.

  1. 上法学院
    1. 签证
      1. Canadian citizens do not require a 签证 to enter the United States as a student.
      2. 学生签证- http://studyinthestates.国土Safety部.gov/students-and-the-form-i-20.
        1. 在一般情况下, to enter the United States in F-1 student status international students must present a valid Form I-20 and the following is required to obtain the I-20:
          1. 你必须参加一个“学术”教育项目, 一个语言培训项目, 或者是职业课程.
          2. 的 F-1 student visa is valid for as long as it takes to finish the student's course of study.
          3. F-1签证的标准- http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
            1. Your school must be approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program, Immigration & 海关执法局.
            2. 你必须是该机构的全日制学生.
            3. You must be proficient in English or be enrolled in courses leading to English proficiency.
            4. You must have sufficient funds available for self-support during the entire proposed course of study.
            5. You must maintain a residence abroad which you have no intention of giving up.
            6. 一旦I-20被签发 to the student, the student must pay the required SEVIS fee.
        2. 的 博彩平台网址大全 is approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program to issue the Form I-20 using the 学生交流及访客资讯系统(SEVIS). SEVIS是一个在线数据库.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS.S. colleges and universities by providing information on international students and scholars.
        3. 研究生和国际项目 办公室 麦克乔治法学院, University of 的 Pacific will issue the I-20 only if the all the criteria for the F-1 签证 noted above are met.
        4. 一旦I-20被签发, the student may enter the United States in student status up to 30 days prior to the program start date. 在入境口岸,学生必须出示:
          1. 有效的I-20表格
          2. SEVIS收费收据
          3. Passport valid for travel to the United States and valid for at least 6 months after date of entry.
          4. 支付学费和生活费的资金证明.
          5. 当地领事馆要求的其他文件.
        5. 其他签证选择
          1. J-1交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名签证.
        6. 在校打工
          1. SEVIS regulations generally allow international students to work up to 20 hours per week on-campus. However, on-campus jobs for international students at McGeorge are limited and cannot be guaranteed. 国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. 联邦资助的研究职位. 的 kind of employment that international students are allowed to engage in depends on what year of study they are in. 的 different kinds of employment are broken down below by year of study. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
          2. 第一学年
            1. 不相关的校外就业通常是不允许的.
            2. On campus employment may be accepted subject to certain conditions and restrictions:
              1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
              2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
              3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
          3. 第一学年之后
            1. 循环实务训练(CPT)
              1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
              2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
              3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
            2. 光学实习训练(OPT) -大多数持F签证的学生都符合条件. 然而,学生必须获得美国移民局的批准
              1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
              2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
              3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
              4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
          4. I-9表格
            1. If getting paid, must fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
          5. 注意: all international students who receive financial compensation must apply for a social security number.
        7. 如何获取
          1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (学生和交流访问者信息系统)认证学校
            1. Must submit a Declaration of Finances to verify adequate funds to attend law school **学校不能签发I-20没有这个**
          2. 一旦被录取,每所学校都会发给你I-20
            1. 这是一个 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic and Language Studies
          3. Use the I-20 from the school you wish to attend to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee
          4. 接下来,申请非移民签证
            1. 请到大使馆或领事馆网站了解具体说明
              1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
          5. 入境美国时请携带I-20表格
    2. 考试
      1. 必须参加法学院入学考试吗
      2. 不用考托福吗
    3. 〇提交成绩单 http://law.lclark.edu/offices/admissions/apply/jd_requirements_international/
      1. 加拿大大学的成绩单必须通过CAS提交
    4. 资金
      1. 法律教育经费
        1. In order to apply for the F-1, students must first demonstrate their ability to pay for U.S. 学校教育
        2. 国际学生没有资格获得联邦贷款
        3. 大多数法律学校要求你有一个私人贷款的委托人
      2. 贷款
        1. 学生可以申请加拿大学生贷款
          1. Should apply through the province in which they have established residency
  1. 签证
    1. Canadian citizens do not require a 签证 to enter the United States as a student.
    2. 学生签证- http://studyinthestates.国土Safety部.gov/students-and-the-form-i-20.
      1. 在一般情况下, to enter the United States in F-1 student status international students must present a valid Form I-20 and the following is required to obtain the I-20:
        1. 你必须参加一个“学术”教育项目, 一个语言培训项目, 或者是职业课程.
        2. 的 F-1 student visa is valid for as long as it takes to finish the student's course of study.
        3. F-1签证的标准- http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
          1. Your school must be approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program, Immigration & 海关执法局.
          2. 你必须是该机构的全日制学生.
          3. You must be proficient in English or be enrolled in courses leading to English proficiency.
          4. You must have sufficient funds available for self-support during the entire proposed course of study.
          5. You must maintain a residence abroad which you have no intention of giving up.
          6. 一旦I-20被签发 to the student, the student must pay the required SEVIS fee.
      2. 的 博彩平台网址大全 is approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program to issue the Form I-20 using the 学生交流及访客资讯系统(SEVIS). SEVIS是一个在线数据库.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS.S. colleges and universities by providing information on international students and scholars.
      3. 研究生和国际项目 办公室 麦克乔治法学院, University of 的 Pacific will issue the I-20 only if the all the criteria for the F-1 签证 noted above are met.
      4. 一旦I-20被签发, the student may enter the United States in student status up to 30 days prior to the program start date. 在入境口岸,学生必须出示:
        1. 有效的I-20表格
        2. SEVIS收费收据
        3. Passport valid for travel to the United States and valid for at least 6 months after date of entry.
        4. 支付学费和生活费的资金证明.
        5. 当地领事馆要求的其他文件.
      5. 其他签证选择
        1. J-1交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名签证.
      6. 在校打工
        1. SEVIS regulations generally allow international students to work up to 20 hours per week on-campus. However, on-campus jobs for international students at McGeorge are limited and cannot be guaranteed. 国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. 联邦资助的研究职位. 的 kind of employment that international students are allowed to engage in depends on what year of study they are in. 的 different kinds of employment are broken down below by year of study. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
        2. 第一学年
          1. 不相关的校外就业通常是不允许的.
          2. On campus employment may be accepted subject to certain conditions and restrictions:
            1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
            2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
            3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
        3. 第一学年之后
          1. 循环实务训练(CPT)
            1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
            2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
            3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
          2. 光学实习训练(OPT) -大多数持F签证的学生都符合条件. 然而,学生必须获得美国移民局的批准
            1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
            2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
            3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
            4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
        4. I-9表格
          1. If getting paid, must fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
        5. 注意: all international students who receive financial compensation must apply for a social security number.
      7. 如何获取
        1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (学生和交流访问者信息系统)认证学校
          1. Must submit a Declaration of Finances to verify adequate funds to attend law school **学校不能签发I-20没有这个**
        2. 一旦被录取,每所学校都会发给你I-20
          1. 这是一个 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic and Language Studies
        3. Use the I-20 from the school you wish to attend to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee
        4. 接下来,申请非移民签证
          1. 请到大使馆或领事馆网站了解具体说明
            1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
        5. 入境美国时请携带I-20表格
  2. 考试
    1. 必须参加法学院入学考试吗
    2. 不用考托福吗
  3. 〇提交成绩单 http://law.lclark.edu/offices/admissions/apply/jd_requirements_international/
    1. 加拿大大学的成绩单必须通过CAS提交
  4. 资金
    1. 法律教育经费
      1. In order to apply for the F-1, students must first demonstrate their ability to pay for U.S. 学校教育
      2. 国际学生没有资格获得联邦贷款
      3. 大多数法律学校要求你有一个私人贷款的委托人
    2. 贷款
      1. 学生可以申请加拿大学生贷款
        1. Should apply through the province in which they have established residency
  1. Canadian citizens do not require a 签证 to enter the United States as a student.
  2. 学生签证- http://studyinthestates.国土Safety部.gov/students-and-the-form-i-20.
    1. 在一般情况下, to enter the United States in F-1 student status international students must present a valid Form I-20 and the following is required to obtain the I-20:
      1. 你必须参加一个“学术”教育项目, 一个语言培训项目, 或者是职业课程.
      2. 的 F-1 student visa is valid for as long as it takes to finish the student's course of study.
      3. F-1签证的标准- http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
        1. Your school must be approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program, Immigration & 海关执法局.
        2. 你必须是该机构的全日制学生.
        3. You must be proficient in English or be enrolled in courses leading to English proficiency.
        4. You must have sufficient funds available for self-support during the entire proposed course of study.
        5. You must maintain a residence abroad which you have no intention of giving up.
        6. 一旦I-20被签发 to the student, the student must pay the required SEVIS fee.
    2. 的 博彩平台网址大全 is approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program to issue the Form I-20 using the 学生交流及访客资讯系统(SEVIS). SEVIS是一个在线数据库.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS.S. colleges and universities by providing information on international students and scholars.
    3. 研究生和国际项目 办公室 麦克乔治法学院, University of 的 Pacific will issue the I-20 only if the all the criteria for the F-1 签证 noted above are met.
    4. 一旦I-20被签发, the student may enter the United States in student status up to 30 days prior to the program start date. 在入境口岸,学生必须出示:
      1. 有效的I-20表格
      2. SEVIS收费收据
      3. Passport valid for travel to the United States and valid for at least 6 months after date of entry.
      4. 支付学费和生活费的资金证明.
      5. 当地领事馆要求的其他文件.
    5. 其他签证选择
      1. J-1交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名签证.
    6. 在校打工
      1. SEVIS regulations generally allow international students to work up to 20 hours per week on-campus. However, on-campus jobs for international students at McGeorge are limited and cannot be guaranteed. 国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. 联邦资助的研究职位. 的 kind of employment that international students are allowed to engage in depends on what year of study they are in. 的 different kinds of employment are broken down below by year of study. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
      2. 第一学年
        1. 不相关的校外就业通常是不允许的.
        2. On campus employment may be accepted subject to certain conditions and restrictions:
          1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
          2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
          3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
      3. 第一学年之后
        1. 循环实务训练(CPT)
          1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
          2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
          3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
        2. 光学实习训练(OPT) -大多数持F签证的学生都符合条件. 然而,学生必须获得美国移民局的批准
          1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
          2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
          3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
          4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
      4. I-9表格
        1. If getting paid, must fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
      5. 注意: all international students who receive financial compensation must apply for a social security number.
    7. 如何获取
      1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (学生和交流访问者信息系统)认证学校
        1. Must submit a Declaration of Finances to verify adequate funds to attend law school **学校不能签发I-20没有这个**
      2. 一旦被录取,每所学校都会发给你I-20
        1. 这是一个 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic and Language Studies
      3. Use the I-20 from the school you wish to attend to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee
      4. 接下来,申请非移民签证
        1. 请到大使馆或领事馆网站了解具体说明
          1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
      5. 入境美国时请携带I-20表格
  1. 在一般情况下, to enter the United States in F-1 student status international students must present a valid Form I-20 and the following is required to obtain the I-20:
    1. 你必须参加一个“学术”教育项目, 一个语言培训项目, 或者是职业课程.
    2. 的 F-1 student visa is valid for as long as it takes to finish the student's course of study.
    3. F-1签证的标准- http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
      1. Your school must be approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program, Immigration & 海关执法局.
      2. 你必须是该机构的全日制学生.
      3. You must be proficient in English or be enrolled in courses leading to English proficiency.
      4. You must have sufficient funds available for self-support during the entire proposed course of study.
      5. You must maintain a residence abroad which you have no intention of giving up.
      6. 一旦I-20被签发 to the student, the student must pay the required SEVIS fee.
  2. 的 博彩平台网址大全 is approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program to issue the Form I-20 using the 学生交流及访客资讯系统(SEVIS). SEVIS是一个在线数据库.S. 美国公民及移民服务局(USCIS.S. colleges and universities by providing information on international students and scholars.
  3. 研究生和国际项目 办公室 麦克乔治法学院, University of 的 Pacific will issue the I-20 only if the all the criteria for the F-1 签证 noted above are met.
  4. 一旦I-20被签发, the student may enter the United States in student status up to 30 days prior to the program start date. 在入境口岸,学生必须出示:
    1. 有效的I-20表格
    2. SEVIS收费收据
    3. Passport valid for travel to the United States and valid for at least 6 months after date of entry.
    4. 支付学费和生活费的资金证明.
    5. 当地领事馆要求的其他文件.
  5. 其他签证选择
    1. J-1交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名签证.
  6. 在校打工
    1. SEVIS regulations generally allow international students to work up to 20 hours per week on-campus. However, on-campus jobs for international students at McGeorge are limited and cannot be guaranteed. 国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. 联邦资助的研究职位. 的 kind of employment that international students are allowed to engage in depends on what year of study they are in. 的 different kinds of employment are broken down below by year of study. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
    2. 第一学年
      1. 不相关的校外就业通常是不允许的.
      2. On campus employment may be accepted subject to certain conditions and restrictions:
        1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
        2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
        3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
    3. 第一学年之后
      1. 循环实务训练(CPT)
        1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
        2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
        3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
      2. 光学实习训练(OPT) -大多数持F签证的学生都符合条件. 然而,学生必须获得美国移民局的批准
        1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
        2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
        3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
        4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
    4. I-9表格
      1. If getting paid, must fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
    5. 注意: all international students who receive financial compensation must apply for a social security number.
  7. 如何获取
    1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (学生和交流访问者信息系统)认证学校
      1. Must submit a Declaration of Finances to verify adequate funds to attend law school **学校不能签发I-20没有这个**
    2. 一旦被录取,每所学校都会发给你I-20
      1. 这是一个 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic and Language Studies
    3. Use the I-20 from the school you wish to attend to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee
    4. 接下来,申请非移民签证
      1. 请到大使馆或领事馆网站了解具体说明
        1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
    5. 入境美国时请携带I-20表格
  1. 你必须参加一个“学术”教育项目, 一个语言培训项目, 或者是职业课程.
  2. 的 F-1 student visa is valid for as long as it takes to finish the student's course of study.
  3. F-1签证的标准- http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
    1. Your school must be approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program, Immigration & 海关执法局.
    2. 你必须是该机构的全日制学生.
    3. You must be proficient in English or be enrolled in courses leading to English proficiency.
    4. You must have sufficient funds available for self-support during the entire proposed course of study.
    5. You must maintain a residence abroad which you have no intention of giving up.
    6. 一旦I-20被签发 to the student, the student must pay the required SEVIS fee.
  1. Your school must be approved by the Student and Exchange 访问ors Program, Immigration & 海关执法局.
  2. 你必须是该机构的全日制学生.
  3. You must be proficient in English or be enrolled in courses leading to English proficiency.
  4. You must have sufficient funds available for self-support during the entire proposed course of study.
  5. You must maintain a residence abroad which you have no intention of giving up.
  6. 一旦I-20被签发 to the student, the student must pay the required SEVIS fee.
  1. 有效的I-20表格
  2. SEVIS收费收据
  3. Passport valid for travel to the United States and valid for at least 6 months after date of entry.
  4. 支付学费和生活费的资金证明.
  5. 当地领事馆要求的其他文件.
  1. J-1交流访问博彩平台网址大全排名签证.
  1. SEVIS regulations generally allow international students to work up to 20 hours per week on-campus. However, on-campus jobs for international students at McGeorge are limited and cannot be guaranteed. 国际学生没有资格获得美国奖学金.S. 联邦资助的研究职位. 的 kind of employment that international students are allowed to engage in depends on what year of study they are in. 的 different kinds of employment are broken down below by year of study. http://www.uscis.gov/working-united-states/students-and-exchange-visitors/students-and-employment
  2. 第一学年
    1. 不相关的校外就业通常是不允许的.
    2. On campus employment may be accepted subject to certain conditions and restrictions:
      1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
      2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
      3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
  3. 第一学年之后
    1. 循环实务训练(CPT)
      1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
      2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
      3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
    2. 光学实习训练(OPT) -大多数持F签证的学生都符合条件. 然而,学生必须获得美国移民局的批准
      1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
      2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
      3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
      4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
  4. I-9表格
    1. If getting paid, must fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
  5. 注意: all international students who receive financial compensation must apply for a social security number.
  1. 不相关的校外就业通常是不允许的.
  2. On campus employment may be accepted subject to certain conditions and restrictions:
    1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
    2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
    3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
  1. 上课期间每周只限20小时
  2. 可以在开课前30天申请吗
  3. DSO或指定的学校官员需要批准. Once approved, get a letter of approval from employer, and apply for SSN.
  1. 循环实务训练(CPT)
    1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
    2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
    3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
  2. 光学实习训练(OPT) -大多数持F签证的学生都符合条件. 然而,学生必须获得美国移民局的批准
    1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
    2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
    3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
    4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
  1. 另一份工作/学习, 实习, cooperative education or other type of required practicum that a sponsoring employer offers through cooperative agreements with your college or university
  2. Only available for F-1 students when it is part of an established curriculum within a school. CPT必须是你学习计划的一部分
  3. 可以是全职的吗,不像OPT
  1. 允许学生在美国就业.S. 在与他/她的研究领域直接相关的领域
  2. 只做兼职,上课时每周最多20小时, 但可以在休息时间全职工作
  3. OPT是由USCIS(美国公民身份局)直接安排的 & 入境事务处)及学院
  4. OPT employment allows the student to work for a year in the United States for a year after the completion of their law program in a law-related position
  1. If getting paid, must fill out the Employment Eligibility Verification I-9 Form, http://www.uscis.gov/sites/default/files/USCIS/Verification/FormI-9-FactSheet-for-Students.pdf
  1. 应用 & 被一家美国银行接受.S. SEVIS (学生和交流访问者信息系统)认证学校
    1. Must submit a Declaration of Finances to verify adequate funds to attend law school **学校不能签发I-20没有这个**
  2. 一旦被录取,每所学校都会发给你I-20
    1. 这是一个 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic and Language Studies
  3. Use the I-20 from the school you wish to attend to pay the I-901 SEVIS Fee
  4. 接下来,申请非移民签证
    1. 请到大使馆或领事馆网站了解具体说明
      1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
  5. 入境美国时请携带I-20表格
  1. Must submit a Declaration of Finances to verify adequate funds to attend law school **学校不能签发I-20没有这个**
  1. 这是一个 Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student Status – For Academic and Language Studies
  1. 请到大使馆或领事馆网站了解具体说明
    1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
  1. 必须申请 120 在I-20表格上所列日期的前几天
  1. 必须参加法学院入学考试吗
  2. 不用考托福吗
  1. 加拿大大学的成绩单必须通过CAS提交
  1. 法律教育经费
    1. In order to apply for the F-1, students must first demonstrate their ability to pay for U.S. 学校教育
    2. 国际学生没有资格获得联邦贷款
    3. 大多数法律学校要求你有一个私人贷款的委托人
  2. 贷款
    1. 学生可以申请加拿大学生贷款
      1. Should apply through the province in which they have established residency
  1. In order to apply for the F-1, students must first demonstrate their ability to pay for U.S. 学校教育
  2. 国际学生没有资格获得联邦贷款
  3. 大多数法律学校要求你有一个私人贷款的委托人
  1. 学生可以申请加拿大学生贷款
    1. Should apply through the province in which they have established residency
  1. Should apply through the province in which they have established residency
  1. 在加拿大执业
    1. 必须向 国家认可委员会(NCA)
      1. NCA will advise each applicant as to what they must do to obtain a certificate of qualification.
        1. Exact requirements depend on the candidate's education and professional qualifications, 并包括候选人必须完成的一定数量的学分.
        2. 需求可以通过
          1. 写作挑战考试
          2. 如果注册许可-注册 & 在加拿大法学院学习
        3. 应用
          1. 申请人必须发送NCA
            1. 高等教育成绩单
            2. 在其他司法管辖区获得律师资格的证明(如适用)
            3. 已完成的NCA申请
            4. 法律预科成绩成绩单原件
            5. 重新开始
            6. 向加拿大法律协会联合会缴纳525加元的费用
        4. 一旦需求完成
          1. 申请人收到 资格证书
            1. This certificate testifies that the candidate had training/education equal to graduates from an approved Canadian 法律 School
          2. 获得资格证书后, a foreign-trained lawyer must complete the bar admission requirements for the particular province in which they plan to practice on the same basis as a graduate from an approved Canadian law school. 
  1. 必须向 国家认可委员会(NCA)
    1. NCA will advise each applicant as to what they must do to obtain a certificate of qualification.
      1. Exact requirements depend on the candidate's education and professional qualifications, 并包括候选人必须完成的一定数量的学分.
      2. 需求可以通过
        1. 写作挑战考试
        2. 如果注册许可-注册 & 在加拿大法学院学习
      3. 应用
        1. 申请人必须发送NCA
          1. 高等教育成绩单
          2. 在其他司法管辖区获得律师资格的证明(如适用)
          3. 已完成的NCA申请
          4. 法律预科成绩成绩单原件
          5. 重新开始
          6. 向加拿大法律协会联合会缴纳525加元的费用
      4. 一旦需求完成
        1. 申请人收到 资格证书
          1. This certificate testifies that the candidate had training/education equal to graduates from an approved Canadian 法律 School
        2. 获得资格证书后, a foreign-trained lawyer must complete the bar admission requirements for the particular province in which they plan to practice on the same basis as a graduate from an approved Canadian law school. 
  1. NCA will advise each applicant as to what they must do to obtain a certificate of qualification.
    1. Exact requirements depend on the candidate's education and professional qualifications, 并包括候选人必须完成的一定数量的学分.
    2. 需求可以通过
      1. 写作挑战考试
      2. 如果注册许可-注册 & 在加拿大法学院学习
    3. 应用
      1. 申请人必须发送NCA
        1. 高等教育成绩单
        2. 在其他司法管辖区获得律师资格的证明(如适用)
        3. 已完成的NCA申请
        4. 法律预科成绩成绩单原件
        5. 重新开始
        6. 向加拿大法律协会联合会缴纳525加元的费用
    4. 一旦需求完成
      1. 申请人收到 资格证书
        1. This certificate testifies that the candidate had training/education equal to graduates from an approved Canadian 法律 School
      2. 获得资格证书后, a foreign-trained lawyer must complete the bar admission requirements for the particular province in which they plan to practice on the same basis as a graduate from an approved Canadian law school. 
  1. Exact requirements depend on the candidate's education and professional qualifications, 并包括候选人必须完成的一定数量的学分.
  2. 需求可以通过
    1. 写作挑战考试
    2. 如果注册许可-注册 & 在加拿大法学院学习
  3. 应用
    1. 申请人必须发送NCA
      1. 高等教育成绩单
      2. 在其他司法管辖区获得律师资格的证明(如适用)
      3. 已完成的NCA申请
      4. 法律预科成绩成绩单原件
      5. 重新开始
      6. 向加拿大法律协会联合会缴纳525加元的费用
  4. 一旦需求完成
    1. 申请人收到 资格证书
      1. This certificate testifies that the candidate had training/education equal to graduates from an approved Canadian 法律 School
    2. 获得资格证书后, a foreign-trained lawyer must complete the bar admission requirements for the particular province in which they plan to practice on the same basis as a graduate from an approved Canadian law school. 
  1. 写作挑战考试
  2. 如果注册许可-注册 & 在加拿大法学院学习
  1. 申请人必须发送NCA
    1. 高等教育成绩单
    2. 在其他司法管辖区获得律师资格的证明(如适用)
    3. 已完成的NCA申请
    4. 法律预科成绩成绩单原件
    5. 重新开始
    6. 向加拿大法律协会联合会缴纳525加元的费用
  1. 高等教育成绩单
  2. 在其他司法管辖区获得律师资格的证明(如适用)
  3. 已完成的NCA申请
  4. 法律预科成绩成绩单原件
  5. 重新开始
  6. 向加拿大法律协会联合会缴纳525加元的费用
  1. 申请人收到 资格证书
    1. This certificate testifies that the candidate had training/education equal to graduates from an approved Canadian 法律 School
  2. 获得资格证书后, a foreign-trained lawyer must complete the bar admission requirements for the particular province in which they plan to practice on the same basis as a graduate from an approved Canadian law school. 
  1. This certificate testifies that the candidate had training/education equal to graduates from an approved Canadian 法律 School